
Friday, 7 December 2018

Christmas poem

I hear Christmas bells jingling so loud.I smell yummy food coming from the kitchen I am hungry i’m coming  to eat now. Ripping wrapping present all around the Christmas tree.Rushing to open presents under the tree so loud. I am grateful that I got a lot of presents this  year. 

Image result for presents under the christmas tree gif

Friday, 19 October 2018


On Friday the 5th of October it was a nice and sunny day. So my uncle said “we should go to the pool’s” so I said “ok” but I had to ask my mum. I asked her and she said “yes you can go”.First we walked to my nana's house to get my swimming togs, towel and some clothes to wear when I finished swimming. The walk to my nana’s took me and my uncle 5 minutes to get there.We left my nana’s house and we walked to the pool’s. When we got to the pool’s we got changed into our swimming togs. Next I got into the pool, we played who can hold their breath for the longest but I lost.Finally me and my uncle went home to eat then go sleep.I had a amazing time with my uncle at the pool’s.

Thursday, 20 September 2018


One day it was a sunny day and a bird came on a power line. More birds came, then they all started to bully each other then more of the little birds came and the started to fight.

Then they saw a big bird so they said let’s go and bully him because he was a big bird and he was different to all them. But the big bird was trying to be friends with them but they didn't want to be friends with him.

Next the little birds moved away from him but he flew over to them. The power line was going down like a slingshot. They pecked him and he fell upside down. Then they started to peck his feet and one of the bird said ‘no we are going to fly in the air if he lets go’ but no one listened.

After that they all flew up in the air and all their feathers came off and they had no feathers left. The big bird was laughing because they had no more fur they only had pink skin. The small birds ran away.

Thursday, 13 September 2018


On Monday the 10th of September Mr. Munnik came from Red Cross to teach us how to save people.

I learnt how to help people when they are not breathing. When they a not breathing you have to shout their name, if they don’t  respond, pull them towards you and put one leg on the ground. Then put their head back and open their mouth. So they can breath.

We also learned about if your nose bleeds you have to pitch the soft part of your nose and lean forward and wait for a few minutes, then it won’t bleed but it might bleed again.

First Aid training  is very important  because you can save other peoples lives if they are not breathing. I have enjoyed learning about First Aid so if someone is not breathing I can help them.

Friday, 7 September 2018

The light house

Once upon a time there was an old man who lived in a lighthouse. The old man had a hat and a warm jacket. The strong wind blew the lights of the lighthouse and the old man was scared. He tried to fix it but he dropped the machine and cracked it. Then he ran down stairs as fast as he could. From the lighthouse he saw that a big boat was coming towards the light house. He thought that he and the boat would get hurt but  he saw that the people of a nearby village were bring lanterns to stop the boat from hitting the lighthouse. Finally the old man was happy because the old lighthouse that was made of bricks and the boatw was saved by the people.


S-Sunflowers dancing under the sunshine.
P-Pretty flowers, small flower loving the sun.
R- Rain -drops shining on these  beautiful  flowers.
I-I love those colourful flowers.
N-Now see those people picking flowers.
G-Growing plants flower with those flower is lot of fun.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018


In the weekend i went to Gravity for my uncle’s birthday.He is turning 10 but I am older.We gave him 30 dollars and a birthday card it was so sunny and cloudy. The birthday was 4.35 pm to 7.00 pm his sister’s told him who do you want to invite so he invited my brother,sister,and me.

We go ready at 3.00 pm , we went to the shop To buy  birthday card ,then We went straight to gravity. There was lots of people they had lots of trampling , basketball , and a ninja park.The ninja park had a rock climbing,flying fox,and lot’s more we ate up top of the ninja park.

Next we had to go have something to eat they had butter chicken,dunkin donuts,pizza,and kfc the food was yum also we had a bottle of just juice to our sevals it was big.

When we finished we rested our stoma before we could go back on the trampling they gave us lolli bags after that we went to go and jump.After all that fun we went home to watch movies.

I had fun with my uncle.  I said “ Thank you for inviting us he said you a welcome.


What Makes A Bad Friend

Pushing means you push someone that is bad,that means you are a bad friend.If you get pushed by someone tell a teacher or an adult.

Bullying means you call them there not proper name if someone bullies you tell someone don’t let them
keep on bullying you.

Mocking means you are calling someone ugly if they say that you say stop it I don’t like it if don’t stop tell a adult.

Swearing means you a saying bad words to them don’t sewer be nice to them.Tell anybody near you .

Thursday, 26 July 2018



In the holidays I went to the movies to watch Hotel Transylvania 3  but it was finished so my
mum and sister said it is only Incredibles 2 on at the movies. It started at 6.10pm so we went 5.30pm.  

Next we saw a lot of people at the movie cause they were going to watch SKY Scraper.
When we got to the front there were no more tickets so we went to mini golf, it was $24 for kids and  
$30 for adults.

On the first mini golf there was a boat and a tunnel, also trees. My sister took
only 4 hits, I took 10 hits on the 2nd one I only took 5 hits.
On the last hole I only took 3 hits but I cried  because my sister chucked the ball down the
hole and the ball went back where we paid, so I had to use her ball and we both won. After that we went
home and had KFC.

I had a cool holiday with my mum and sister. I love them so much. I had a very fun time with my family.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

My space poem

Shooting stars are so fast, they are so yellow and bright.

Planets rotating around the bright sun, the Earth rotates around the sun for 24 hours.

Astronauts floating on the moon, they come to space in a white rocket ship.

Craters are on the small moon they are so rocky, hard and coloured grey.

Earth is light green and light blue, animals live on our earth and also we live on it to.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018


One day me and my friend went to a cave. I saw shiny blue ice I went to go and touch the ice, it was so freezing. So we just walked past it then we saw old rocks and they look dusty and dirty. After that I saw something shining on to my eyes. I looked at it and it was a diamond shining in the ice. I tried to get it out but I couldn't.

I almost fell down in the lake but my friend pulled me up and then I said "thank you" and she said "you're welcome". She also saw the diamond but there was more diamond on top of the rock.

My friend slipped off the rock onto the frozen lake.The frozen lake broke and we fell down but there was shiny, dusty treasure like coins, diamonds and there was skeleton bones in a pirate ship. It was golden and old also dusty we had a back pack it had a towel. We took the towel out to clean the treasure.

Next we put the treasure in our backpack.The skeleton came alive we were both scared so we ran but I tripped and I thought that my friend was going to leave me behind but she came back for me.  

Friday, 15 June 2018


My role model is my Uncle because he went to the same school as me then he went on to college. Now he works at Daycalc and he does it for Sylvia Park Manukau. He is so smart with his maths. He gets a lot of money and he is 30 years old. He goes to work early at 5.00 am he has 3 cars, 2 trucks and 1 holden car. I go with him everywhere. He has two kids and a wife. I just want to be like him.

I like my Uncle because I go fishing with him everywhere but I just sit in the front and we always have McDonald's to eat. He's smart like me in maths and he can fix cars, boats and everything else. One time our car broke down and my Uncle fixed it up. I always look up to him every time.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Fluffy Snow

I see nice and fluffy snow on the mountains.

I hear rain coming down the drain.

I smell yummy food  waiting for me.

I feel the warm heat from my cosy heater.

I taste delicious desserts made by Mum.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Big Jupiter

    Big Jupiter                     

The planet Jupiter is the fifth planet out from the sun. It is two and a half  times more massive than all the other planets in our solar system. Jupiter is 69,911 km big.

It is made primarily of gases and Jupiter is 778.5 million km away from the sun.

Jupiter is grey, red and white and it has a red spot on it which is a big storm which has been happening for over 300 years.
You can't go to Jupiter because it is not solid like Earth. Jupiter has 67 moons. Did you know that Jupiter has 4 rings around it as well?

Jupiter is the fourth brightest planet in our night sky.


Friday, 25 May 2018

Day and Night

Day And Night

When it is day in Auckland it is night in
England. The earth rotates around the
sun for 24 hours.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Finacial Literacy

This week Chris, Lyndsey, Jasmine and Sasha
from PwC came to Glenbrae School to teach us
how to save, earn and borrow money.
Their names were Lyndsey, Chris, Jasmine and Sasha.
My favourite part was getting into groups and doing
saving plan. We were saving for a school bag. It cost $40.
We said do chores and get $10, garage sale for
$20 and bake sale for $10.

Thank you for teaching us new things

Tuesday, 8 May 2018