Hello everyone! How are you? I hope that you are having a great day today! It's Eden from Paroa School here! I think this is a very quality blog post! Great job. Maybe next time you could make a caption because everything with captions make everyone thing good. Also here are some tips for if you do make a caption. 1. Make it quality. 2. Say Hi and Bye in it. 3. Make it as good as possible. Overall this is a great blog post! Is your favourite animal a Panda? Mine is a Dog. Why do you like Panda's if your favourite animal is a Panda. Thanks, bye, Eden.
Hello everyone! How are you? I hope that you are having a great day today! It's Eden from Paroa School here! I think this is a very quality blog post! Great job. Maybe next time you could make a caption because everything with captions make everyone thing good. Also here are some tips for if you do make a caption. 1. Make it quality. 2. Say Hi and Bye in it. 3. Make it as good as possible. Overall this is a great blog post! Is your favourite animal a Panda? Mine is a Dog. Why do you like Panda's if your favourite animal is a Panda. Thanks, bye, Eden.