
Monday, 8 November 2021

Maths Algebra

 Today for maths we did algebra/name value this was the problem 

Mr Nath gave Mrs Tofa the alphabet saying each letter had a value. He told her she had to work out the value of each letter using two equations. He said.

A = 3 

B = 12

C = 27

D = 48

E = 75

This is the strategy my class and I used

A1X11X 33
B2X24X 312
C3X39X 327
D4X416X 348
E5X525X 375
F6X636X 3108
G7X749X 3147
H8X864X 3192
I9X981X 3243
J10X10300X 3300
K11X11121X 3363
L12X12144X 3432
M13X13169X 3507
N14X14196X 3588
O15X15225X 3675
P16X16256X 3768
Q17X17289X 3867
R18X18324X 3972
S19X19361X 31083
T20X20400X 31200
U21X21441X 31323
V22X22484X 31452
W23X23529X 31587
X24X24576X 31728
Y25X25625X 31875
Z26X26676X 32028
Then we had to find out the value of our name. My name is Pitara so the value of my name is 3189. Whats the value of your name ?

P = 768 

I = 243 

T = 1200 

A = 3 

R = 972 

A = 3

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