
Thursday, 25 November 2021

Friday, 19 November 2021


Today for technology we learnt about Invertebrate and vertebrates. We also learnt about all types of mammals like elephants and dogs, we also learnt about where they live and how they survive. We also learnt the difference between Invertebrate and Vertebrate. The difference between those is that Vertebrate animals have backbones and Invertebrate animals have no backbone or a spinal cord.

24 Differences between Invertebrates and Vertebrates 

We had so much fun and enjoyed learning with Mrs Sharma

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Mini Biography

 Kia ora this is my presentation on a mini biography about Hone Heke , Tamati Waka Nene , Hongi Hika and Hariata Rongo.

Monday, 8 November 2021

Maths Algebra

 Today for maths we did algebra/name value this was the problem 

Mr Nath gave Mrs Tofa the alphabet saying each letter had a value. He told her she had to work out the value of each letter using two equations. He said.

A = 3 

B = 12

C = 27

D = 48

E = 75

This is the strategy my class and I used

A1X11X 33
B2X24X 312
C3X39X 327
D4X416X 348
E5X525X 375
F6X636X 3108
G7X749X 3147
H8X864X 3192
I9X981X 3243
J10X10300X 3300
K11X11121X 3363
L12X12144X 3432
M13X13169X 3507
N14X14196X 3588
O15X15225X 3675
P16X16256X 3768
Q17X17289X 3867
R18X18324X 3972
S19X19361X 31083
T20X20400X 31200
U21X21441X 31323
V22X22484X 31452
W23X23529X 31587
X24X24576X 31728
Y25X25625X 31875
Z26X26676X 32028
Then we had to find out the value of our name. My name is Pitara so the value of my name is 3189. Whats the value of your name ?

P = 768 

I = 243 

T = 1200 

A = 3 

R = 972 

A = 3

Land Wars

 Kia Ora this is my presentation about the land wars 

Friday, 5 November 2021

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Mr Morrison and Rose word problem

 This is my presentation on how I solved this word problem 

This is my written explanation on how I worked out the word problem 

Where the Pakeha came from ?

This is my work on where Pakeha came from 

Wednesday, 27 October 2021


 Today I done algebra maths. I found it a bit trickey to do but I still got it done. I also put in an exaple so you could understand why I used a or b for the problems. 

Te Tiriti O Waitangi


Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Cintascotch Art

During lockdown one of our activities was to create cintascotch art by finding things around our house. It was fun finding the things to make the art also I used mini pool table balls, pot , plate , pasta and cupcake wrappers to make art. 

Friday, 22 October 2021

Science - Weather

 Today for technology we learnt about weather. So first we answered questions about the weather and what is weather then we watched a short video about climate and weather. So climate is a long term pattern of weather in an area which typically averaged over a period of 30 years and most people think that the weather is changed by climate but really weather changes by time . Then we wrote down the weather from today to next week Wednesday. The temperature for today. During the day the temperature is 16° and at night the temperature is 14°. Finally the last activity we done was match the pictures of weather to the correct name of that weather.

Niuean language week

 Here is some of my task that I've done for Niuean language week 

Friday, 1 October 2021

Technology - Science

 Today for science our topic was state of matter. The 3 states of matters are Solid , liquid and gas. So our task was to create a google doc and find 10 pictures of solid , liquid and gas objects.  

So I decided to do the 10 pictures of liquid first 

Here is a short video of my 10 picture


 We also played a little game of kahoot and surprisingly I came first , I was so happy that I got to come first place. 

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Cooking Challenge

Today  I made a simple curry chicken dish with rice on the side. I used chicken breast, potatoes, carrots, garlic, curry powder, chicken stock, a pinch of salt, oil and water. I was happy with the outcome and my family enjoyed their lunch. Next time I cook a curry chicken dish I will use flour to thicken the soup. Overall it took me less than an hour to prepare and cook my dish and rice.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Toy - Homemade beyblade

 This is my video on how to make a home made beyblade 

Friday, 17 September 2021


 Today for technology we learnt about parts of a flower and what they do and why 

So our task was to create a diagram about a flower and label the parts of the flower 

So this a picture of my diagram I tried my best to draw but anyways here my diagram 

After I played one of the games that was on the site but I only got a few of the answers right 

Thursday, 16 September 2021

New Zealand Historical Event

This is my SISOMO presentation for our literacy task 4. The task was to research one historical event that has affected New Zealand. I chose women winning rights to vote in New Zealand because women are awesome and run the world. Researching this historical event helped me with other tasks.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Whanau Challenge

This week my family and I completed the baking whanau challenge for week 7, we baked chocolate brownies and a chocolate cake. I really enjoyed this challenge because my siblings got to take part in baking and we all worked well together. 

  Happy Tongan language week

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Waitangi Speech

 Today I done my speech about waitangi for English task 1/2  

Monday, 30 August 2021

Current Events

 Today I read on kiwikids news about Lisa Adams winning the gold medal in shot put for the paralympics. Lisa has beaten her rival Mi Na from China with a throw of 15.12 meters. Valerie Adams and two time olympics champion has coached Lisa. 


Thursday, 26 August 2021

Commenting on docs

 Today I learnt how to comment on google docs in different ways. For this task we had to make a comment on a random fact , comment on a suggestion for a synonym of a word , write a positive thoughtful , helpful comment and add in an action request for a friend. Below you can see my screenshots of my work. I found this task fun and I learnt how easy it is to use commenting on google docs. 

Friday, 20 August 2021

What I Cooked

So Today I made homemade macaroni n cheese for my family and I  

It tasted delicious my family and I enjoyed the Macaroni n Cheese 

Wednesday, 11 August 2021



After a long bus ride we finally arrived at Snowplanet in silverdale 

We walked inside  Snowplanet  , it was very warm when we entered Snowplanet. 

Then we had to put boots on to keep our feets warm. I could feel the cold breeze as I entered through the

door to the snow room. 

As I walked in I saw people snowboarding , skiing  and  going down the tubing.

I was nervous to go down on the tubing but I was excited at the same time. I went down and BANG

I hit into the snow and spun around I enjoyed going down so I went again.

Ugh I slipped as I was walking up the mountain , but I kept on going anyways CRASH as

I went down again.  But I enjoyed my time at snowplanet.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021


 Today for maths we done a data base on rugby scores . We learnt  how to find out the mean, median and mode of all the numbers. If check on my slides you can see my work I done 

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Table Tennis

 Today  we had kiwi sport also it was our last session with our coach that has been coming in and teaching us how to play table tennis. We played around the world and the champion. I was nervous when we were playing around the world but I had a lot of fun playing table tennis. The champion were Taijah, Uinita,Wuatai and Ali-jon. First Uinita and Taijah challegend each other , it was very interesting watching them play but Taijah won. Next was Wuatai and Ali-jon but Wautai won.

I learnt how to hold the bat properly and how to serve the ball over the net.

Vermont Mini Table Tennis Table | Net World Sports

Friday, 14 May 2021

Coding with Python

Coding with Python 

Python is a coding language 

Here is my code for a flashing heart on a microbit

Here is a short video of my flashing heart 

Thursday, 13 May 2021


 W.A.L.T   We are learning to create accurate floor plan for building. 

We used to do our floor plan . 

What I learnt from this activity 

  • How to do a floor plan 
  • Where to put the bedrooms , bathrooms , windows and doors in an accurate way 
  • Measurement of house 
  • Measurement of the doors and windows

When I grow up , if I join the building industry , I would like to be an engineer so I can design things. 

                                                          Here are my floor plans

2D Plan 
3D Plan


Wednesday, 12 May 2021

My Pepeha


Kiwi Can

Today my class went to kiwi can in the hall.The said hi in Japan and we had to try and guess what country it come from. Then we played a game called Splash. It was very fun and nervous at the same time because we had to concentrate on the 2 people beside us. Next we had a discussion about honesty. We talked about what are the right things to do and not do. Finally we got into a game of animal farm. I was in the pig team, we were shouting out “ piggy piggy oink piggy piggy oink piggy piggy oink oink “ trying to beat the other animal team. It was finally time to to finish off kiwi can with a quick game of GKQ. 

Kiwi Can - Kiwi Kaha - Graeme Dingle Foundation

Monday, 15 March 2021

Taha maths group Mr Simi's wire fence

 Today for maths me Aj and Marshall worked out a problem about Mr Simi's fence wire. Mr Simi and his family had to divied their plantation. Mr Simi bought 180m of wire to make his fence for his plantation. Me Aj and Marshall found out the area of 180m of wire. Here is our strategy.

Bookmark Activity


Monday, 8 March 2021

Taha - Measurements

 Today Taha is learning about Measurements. Me and Pitara worked together on this:)

Netbook screen:

16 little sticks


Pitara - 2/2 cord wires

Maria - 2 cord wires


52.96 books

Netball Court:

L = 170 steps

W = 78 steps

= 248 steps

For the netball court we counted a certain amount of numbers and marked it with our shoes.  We counted one side of the Width and got 78 and instead of counting the other side of the netball court we timed by 2 and got 156  We then counted the Length of the netball court and got 170, we did the same strategy with the width. Times it by 2 and we got 340 steps. After that we added our answers together and got 496 steps together:)

School Field:

L = 772 steps

W = 560 steps

= 1332 steps

For the field we counted a certain amount of numbers and marked it with our shoes.  We counted one side of the Width and got 280 and instead of counting the other side of the field we timed by 2 and got 560. We then counted the Length of the field and got 386, we did the same strategy with the width. Times it by 2 and we got 772 steps. After that we added our answers together and got 1332 steps together:)